
World’s 4th Largest Technology Cluster in Bengaluru

Knowledge, research, and innovation hub of Asia, with high-end R&D centers of over 400 MNCs Karnataka s the T hub of Ind and home to the world's fourth-largest technological cluster. The state has over 3,500 IT companies that contribute over $ 32 b In exports, employs over 1 MN professionals and creates 3 mn indirect jobs. Karnataka is India's largest software exporter, second-largest chip design hub, fourth-largest automobile producer and fourth largest &
contributor to electronic Industrial output. It is also a leader in exports of ready-made garments, gems and jewelry, petrochemicals and engineering goods from the southern region of India. Bengaluru, the state's capital, has a very strong cluster of IT and biopharmaceutical company.


The state also has the second-fastest growing start-up ecosystem in the world and is home to billon-dollar Indian start-ups. It is expected to be the largest IT cluster globally by 2020, employing around 2 mn professionals. Besides being a top software exporter, the state also stands forth in merchandise exports in the national export basket. Exports from the state stood at around  $ 52bn in 2016-17, which Is about 18.8% of India's total exports. The state stands fourth among Indian states In terms of FDI inflows, attracting close to '$29 bn between 2000 and 2017.

Karnataka is well-connected to all major markets With 2 International airports, 264,639 km of the total road network and 3,281 km of the rail network The state has a coastline of 300 KM with 12 minor ports and one major port at Mangalore. The total installed power capacity in the state stands at 22,290 MW.


One of the world's fastest-growing economies

» India remains one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
  Source: International Monetary Fund

» FDI inflows increased by 37% since the launch of Make in India initiative.
  Source: Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Government of India

» Leading investors ranked India as the most attractive market.
   Source: Ernst & Young Emerging Markets Center


A public-private partnership (PPP) is a project delivery model whereby private entities undertake large-scale engineering and construction projects, often on works with defined objectives and criteria under the supervision of a government agency for mutual benefit.
BOOT (build, own, operate, transfer) is a project that transfers the risk and responsibility for the design, construction and operation of a large public infrastructure to private developers.

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