
3rd Largest Mineral Producing State

Shares border with 7 states, providing access tog 40% of India’s population Located in Central India, Chhattisgarh shares its border with seven states and has market access to about 520 mn people across these states. The new capital of the state, Naya Raipur, s India’s first greenfield smart city.
The state is very well connected through rail, road and air and also has the potential of being India’s logistics hub. It is the highest contribute (or to railway freight. The state will be home to one of the seven Multimodal logistic parks to be constructed in India. Thriving sectors in the state include agriculture, iron and steel, cement and thermal power. The state accounts for approximately 15% of the total steel produced in India.

Industrial infrastructure in the state has been strengthened through creating state-of-the-art facilities In the industrial areas. Presently, there are 52 developed industrial areas in the state. Known as the ‘Rice Bowl of India’ rice is the major crop of the Chhattisgarh covering 66% of the total cropped area. The state is also a major producer of maize, cereals, pulses and horticulture produce such as turmeric guava, tomato, pea and cabbage.

With 44% of its geographical area under forest cover, Chhattisgarh is one of the greenest states in India. About 88 species of medicinal plants ' grow in the state and the government actively promotes usage of ethnomedicine, practised by aboriginal tribes since centurles. The state also contributes about 43% of the total lac produced in the country.


One of the world's fastest-growing economies

» India remains one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
  Source: International Monetary Fund

» FDI inflows increased by 37% since the launch of Make in India initiative.
  Source: Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Government of India

» Leading investors ranked India as the most attractive market.
   Source: Ernst & Young Emerging Markets Center


A public-private partnership (PPP) is a project delivery model whereby private entities undertake large-scale engineering and construction projects, often on works with defined objectives and criteria under the supervision of a government agency for mutual benefit.
BOOT (build, own, operate, transfer) is a project that transfers the risk and responsibility for the design, construction and operation of a large public infrastructure to private developers.

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